高2  12月25日(火)



★ 今日の授業分で次のテストに出しそうなところです。




1. admit * college 2. be interested in ~ * art

3. A as well as B * literature 4. participate in ~ * activity

5. include * work on ~ 6. literary * issue (n)

7. poetry * tale 8. rice field * imagine

9. through ~ * memory 10. preserve * a piece of ~

11. cultural * heritage 12. strict * protect

13. realize * enter 14. reason * allow 人 to do

15. free (v) * influence (n) 16. neglect * confuse

17. She wouldn’t listen to my explanation.

18. If I knew her address, I would write to her.

(a)…形容詞   (n)…名詞   (v)…動詞   do…動詞の原形 p.p.…過去分詞
